Galanthus nivalis Lectin (GNL/GNA) - Pure

Galanthus nivalis Lectin (GNL/GNA) - Pure

Price: Regular price $100.00

SKU#: 21510244-1

Product Description

Purified by affinity chromatography, Galanthus nivalis lectin (GNL/GNA) is composed of four identical subunits. GNL is a mannose-binding lectin, though [interestingly] it will not bind ?-linked glucose. This lectin was one of the original molecules used to understand how proteins recognize carbohydrates. Galanthus nivalis is found to bind to many viral glycoproteins, making it a useful tool in HIV research studies.

Technical Specifications

Abbreviation: GNL/GNA
Material Source:: Snowdrop
Conjugate:: None
Molecular Weight:: 50 kDa
Purity:: High Purity Grade
Shelf Life:: 2 years
Blood Group Specificity:: Rabbit
Preferred Sugar Specificity:: αMannose
Inhibiting or Eluting Sugar:: α-Methylmannoside
Divalent Ions:: None Required
Mitogenic Activity:: No
Lyophilized or Liquid: Lyophilized
Storage Temperature:: -20°C
Hazardous Shipping:: Non-hazardous


Blood cell agglutination studies, HIV research, Virus isolation, Mouse IgM isolation


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