Ulex europaeus Lectin (UEA I) - Pure

Ulex europaeus Lectin (UEA I) - Pure

Price: Regular price $148.00

SKU#: 21510130-1

Product Description

""Ulex europaeus agglutinin (UEA I) is affinity purified isolated from gorse seeds and separated from crude extract by affinity chromatography. It is consists of two subunits. The lectin is a glycoprotein that has no mitogenic activity to agglutinates type O erythrocytes, and of a lesser degree to individuals with A2 erythrocytes.
UEA I reacts strongly with ?(1,2) linked fucose residues but poorly or not at all with ?(1,3) or ?(1,6)-linked fucose. UEA I is unable to bind internal fucose structures and the presence of an internal ?(1,3)-linked fucose on the H type 2 oligosaccharide decreases lectin affinity for this blood group antigen by 3-fold.
UEA I has been used as a marker for vascular endothelium and used to identify endothelial cells of benign vascular lesions more specifically than antibodies Factor VII-related antigen. UEA I coated magnetic beads have been used to isolate endothelial cells associated with micro-vessels for subsequent cell culture. This lectin has also been used to differentiate between angiosarcomas and epithelial tumor.

Technical Specifications

Abbreviation: UEA I
Material Source:: Gorse
Conjugate:: None
Molecular Weight:: 63 kDa
Purity:: High Purity Grade
Shelf Life:: 2 years
Blood Group Specificity:: O>A2
Preferred Sugar Specificity:: α-Fucose
Inhibiting or Eluting Sugar:: L-Fucose
Divalent Ions:: Ca++, Mn++, Zn++
Mitogenic Activity:: No
Lyophilized or Liquid: Lyophilized
Storage Temperature:: -20°C
Hazardous Shipping:: Non-hazardous



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