Allium sativum Lectin (ASA) - Semi-Pure

Allium sativum Lectin (ASA) - Semi-Pure

Price: Regular price $250.00

SKU#: 21511381-1

Product Description

Allium sativum lectin (ASA) is purified first with fractionation and then with gel filtration. It is a dimer of two subunits. ASA binds to a number of α1-2-linked mannose residues. The lectin recognizes internal mannose and binds to the core pentasaccharide of N-linked glycans. In addition, the removal of sialic acids enhances binding activity.

Technical Specifications

Abbreviation: ASA
Material Source:: Garlic
Conjugate:: None
Appearance Form:: Powder
Preferred Sugar Specificity:: Mannose
Inhibiting or Eluting Sugar:: α(1,3)-Linked Mannosyl Units
Divalent Ions:: None Required
Storage Temperature:: -20°C
Hazardous Shipping:: Non-hazardous



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