GlycoElute Elution Buffer - L-Fucose

GlycoElute Elution Buffer - L-Fucose

Price: Regular price $21.00

SKU#: 21510890-1

Product Description

GlycoElute™ Elution Buffer - L-Fucose solution is used for eluting bound glycoproteins from lectins AAL, LTL and UEA. GlycoElute™ Elution Buffer - L-Fucose helps maximize the yield of lectins AAL, LTL or UEA, along with preserving the lectins activity for repeated use. Chelating agents are used to react with metal ions in order to form a stable complex. This solution contains 2 mM of chelating agent EDTA, 0.1 M of L-Fucose, and 1 M of NaCl. The solutions pH is in neutral range and the eluting components can be removed by dialysis.

Technical Specifications

Appearance Form:: Liquid
Shelf Life:: 6 months
Storage Temperature:: 2-8°C
Hazardous Shipping:: Non-hazardous



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