Glycoprotein Isolation Kit - SNA Neu5Nac

Glycoprotein Isolation Kit - SNA Neu5Nac
Glycoprotein Isolation Kit - SNA (Neu5NAc)
Product image 1Glycoprotein Isolation Kit - SNA Neu5Nac
Product image 2Glycoprotein Isolation Kit - SNA (Neu5NAc)

Price: Regular price $371.47

SKU#: 44081002-1

Product Description

GlycoPure Glycoprotein Isolation Kit SNA (Neu5NAc) allows for the fast, versatile, and convenient isolation of glycoproteins or glycoconjugates from complex mixtures (serum, cell and tissue lysates). This kit contains: SNA Separapore® 4B Ready-to-use spin columns, ReadyElute Buffer, GlycoPure Binding Buffer and collection tubes.

Technical Specifications

Shelf Life:: 6 months
Storage Temperature:: 2-8°C
Hazardous Shipping:: Non-hazardous



Technical Documentation

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