Streptavidin::AP Conjugate

Streptavidin-AP Conjugate

Price: Regular price $347.00

SKU#: 41980005-1

Product Description

Streptavidin AP Conjugate
The Streptavidin-AP Conjugate is appropriate for solid phase detection of biotinylated molecules, including proteins and nucleic acids and IHC detections. It can be used to detect Biotinylated S-protein or Biotinylated T7•Tag®  bound to fusion proteins with approximately 5-fold greater sensitivity than direct AP conjugates. Note that streptavidin conjugates will also detect endogenous biotin and biotinylated molecules present in cellular extracts, so it is important to include appropriate controls whenever possible, particularly in IHC detections.


  • Specificity: biotin and biotynylated molecules
  • Cross-reactivity: Minimal with bacterial, insect or mammalian cell lysates
  • Working dilution: 1: 5000
  • Appearance: Liquid
  • ChEBI: Not available.
  • Crystal_Structure: Not available.
  • InChI: Not available.
  • InChIKey: Not available.

Technical Specifications

Storage Temperature:: -20°C
Hazardous Shipping:: Non-hazardous



Technical Documentation

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