Blot Stripping Buffer II 4X, pH 2.5

Blot Stripping Buffer (4X)

Price: Regular price $38.41

SKU#: 20960005-1

Product Description

Each L of Blot Stripping Buffer II (4x), Low pH - contains enough liquid concentrate to make 4L of 1X solution. Diluted product (1X) is 0.2M glycine and 0.05% Tween 20, has a pH value of 2.5.
After stripping, neutralize pH to 6.8 with Tris buffer.

Might need to add 0.6% beta mercaptoethanol before use if desired.

To use this product, place the membrane into stripping buffer for 30-45 minutes with gentle agitation. Buffer should be heated to approximately 50°C for incubation. Wash membrane 3 times with TBST or PBST before reprobing.

Product is ultra pure grade.


Technical Specifications

Storage Temperature:: 2-8°C
Hazardous Shipping:: Non-hazardous



Technical Documentation

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