GlycoElute Elution Buffer - GlcNAc

GlycoElute Elution Buffer - GlcNAc

Price: Regular price $21.00

SKU#: 21510885-1

Product Description

GlycoElute™ Elution Buffer - GluNAc solution is used for eluting bound glycoproteins from lectins DSA/DSL, GSL II, LEL/LEA, WGA, Succ-WGA and UDA. GlycoElute™ Elution Buffer - GluNAc helps maximize the yield of lectin DSA/DSL, GSL II, LEL/LEA, WGA, Succ-WGA or UDA, along with preserving the lectins activity for repeated use. Chelating agents are used to react with metal ions in order to form a stable complex. This solution contains 2 mM of chelating agent EDTA, 0.1 M of GluNAc, and 1 M of NaCl. The solutions pH is in neutral range and the eluting components can be removed by dialysis.

Technical Specifications

Appearance Form:: Liquid
Shelf Life:: 6 months
Storage Temperature:: 2-8°C
Hazardous Shipping:: Non-hazardous



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